Onsite Data Destruction — a must for org’s recycling computers

On Site Data Destruction

Any organ­isa­tion pre­par­ing to recycle their equip­ment must first think about data secur­ity. Inter­rec works with many organ­isa­tions and pub­lic sec­tor bod­ies that need cor­por­ate data destruc­tion sys­tems in place to pro­tect their intel­lec­tual data. Not only have we achieved ISO27001Inform­a­tion Secur­ity Mgt stand­ards, we pride ourselves in giv­ing the best pos­sible solu­tion to client.

Media Destruction

Media Destruc­tion

Cur­rently Inter­rec can offer a ZERO COST onsite mil­it­ary stand­ard data destruc­tion ser­vice for any organ­isa­tion that has 30+ sys­tems to wipe and recycle. There is no col­lec­tion fee and a % of recyc­ling rev­enue obtained from pre­cious metal recyc­ling is donated to a char­ity.

When recyc­ling with Inter­rec, your organ­isa­tion is:

  • pro­tec­ted from liab­il­ity. We take title to equip­ment at the point of collection
  • pro­tec­ted from brand dam­age — Inter­rec audit all of our down­stream recyc­ling part­ners ensur­ing inter­na­tional stand­ards are met
  • assured data (hard drives and media tapes etc) are des­troyed to mil­it­ary stand­ard 5220.22M using CESG cer­ti­fied equipment

We can provide a detailed Audit Report with Serial Num­bers and destruc­tion cer­ti­fic­ate detail­ing Hard Drives destroyed

Don’t take a chance on your data get­ting into a third parties hands. Choose Inter­rec as your ICT recyc­ling partner.

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