PC Recycling

Irish com­pan­ies are faced with many secur­ity issues when it comes to the eth­ical recyc­ling of ICT assets, not only do they need to ensure the imme­di­ate data destruc­tion meth­ods are approved, they must also ensure that the equip­ment is eth­ic­ally recycled so as to avoid any future down­stream dump­ing issues in devel­op­ing countries.

Inter­rec offers a zero cost onsite data destruc­tion ser­vice and fully com­pli­ant recyc­ling ser­vice for com­pan­ies that have 30 sys­tems or more to dis­pose of.

Inter­rec are provid­ing recyc­ling solu­tions for com­pan­ies, gov­ern­ment bod­ies and schools nation­wide. Recyc­ling with Inter­rec offers:

best prac­tice policy for ICT equip­ment [down­load report 2010 — PDF 907 Kb]
zero cost onsite mil­it­ary grade data destruc­tion*
zero cost cer­ti­fied recyc­ling of all ICT equipment*

zero cost nation­wide col­lec­tion ser­vice (not out­sourced to a third party)
fully com­pli­ant inform­a­tion security/ data destruc­tion pro­ced­ure [ISO 27001]
full down­stream audit trail**

refur­bished com­puter sys­tems are offered at low cost to Irish schools
cer­ti­fic­ate of destruc­tion is issued for all equip­ment eth­ic­ally recycled with Interrec

*min 30 sys­tems at one loc­a­tion
**Inter­rec audit all down­stream recyc­ling part­ners in Europe to ensure Inter­na­tional stand­ards are main­tained through­out mater­i­als recycling

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