Recycling Process

Equip­ment is trans­por­ted to Inter­recs Asset Pro­cessing Facil­ity. All equip­ment is segreg­ated into PC’s, laptops, print­ers, mon­it­ors [CRT & TFT], serv­ers, switches/routers, UPS’s, cables and peri­pher­als. It is then fur­ther sep­ar­ated into non-hazardous/hazardous frac­tions which are dis­as­sembled and sep­ar­ated into frac­tions (plastic/metal/glass etc).

Every item’s bar­code is scanned and logged to facil­it­ate future audit trails at our cli­ents request. Equip­ment ID, make, model, spe­cific­a­tion and details of con­di­tion are taken and uploaded into am asset report.Obsolete Computer Recycling

Equip­ment with hard drives/ media devices are segreg­ated from all other WEEE in a secure quar­ant­ined area. Media drives are data erased and/or degaussed/ phys­ic­ally des­troyed as appro­pri­ate with the cer­ti­fic­a­tion level required by the client.

The recyc­ling pro­cess is pre­dom­in­antly manual provid­ing much needed employ­ment oppor­tun­it­ies in Ireland.

Every aspect of the dis­posal pro­cess is car­ried out in house at our Asset Pro­cessing Facil­ity with the excep­tion of the final recyc­ling pro­cess, which is car­ried out by an approved part­ner of the Inter­rec B.V group.

A com­pre­hens­ive Asset Invent­ory Report can be pro­duced detail­ing serial num­bers of items received and media devices securely destroyed.

Contact Us
To arrange a col­lec­tion and for all ser­vice enquires, call us now » Con­tact Details
Nationwide Collection
Let us assist with your (S.I. No. 324) Move­ment of Waste Man­age­ment Reg­u­la­tion requirements.
Inter­rec BV Ire­land Reg. No. 205

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