Interrec successfully implements ISO27001

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Inter­rec is Ire­lands first ded­ic­ated elec­tronic recyc­ling com­pany to achieve ISO27001.

As the lead­ing pro­vider for com­puter recyc­ling and data destruc­tion ser­vices based in Dub­lin and Laois, Inter­rec suc­ceeded this month in achiev­ing the stand­ards required for Inform­a­tion Secur­ity Man­age­ment Sys­tems —  ISO27001.

ISO27001 BQAI Logo

Inter­rec BV Ire­land Reg. No. 205

For many years the Inter­rec Group has been keen on oper­at­ing a Qual­ity Man­age­ment Sys­tem that assesses risks and selects solu­tions pro­tect­ing con­fid­en­ti­al­ity, avail­ab­il­ity and integ­rity of our cli­ents data at the point of end-of-life recyc­ling. The award­ing of the ISO27001 by BQAI (Busi­ness Qual­ity Assur­ance Inter­na­tional Ltd)  fur­ther cements Interrec’s long tra­di­tion of fos­ter­ing secure busi­ness pro­cesses and secure sys­tems by apply­ing formal risk management/permanent secur­ity aware­ness programs.

Eoghan Crosby, Tech­nical Dir­ector and Inform­a­tion Secur­ity Man­ager, says: “Our cus­tom­ers across many indus­tries and busi­ness part­ners already trus­ted us in pro­tect­ing their key data on ICT equip­ment being recycled/ refur­bished, though this achieve­ment enables us to bring our data secur­ity to the next level. Based on well-established policies, pro­cesses and work­ing pro­ced­ures we can now anti­cip­ate secur­ity threats and man­age cli­ent expect­a­tions con­cern­ing data secur­ity. No organ­isa­tion wants their data being retrieved by a third party or com­pet­itor after allow­ing a recycler to take their ICT equip­ment away. The ISO27001 demon­strates Inter­recs com­mit­ment to provid­ing a a world class data destruc­tion ser­vice for Irish organ­isa­tions which is provided at no extra cost to the cli­ent”.

John Rooney MD., con­cludes: “At a time when gov­ern­ment bod­ies and Irish com­pan­ies are both look­ing to reduce end of life recyc­ling costs and have con­cerns about their data being passed on to a third party or their ICT equip­ment being uneth­ic­ally dumped in a for­eign coun­try, we are pleased to have an effect­ive recycling/reuse man­age­ment sys­tem to that is fully com­pli­ant and has passed external audit­ing stand­ards.

Asset Security & Compliance

Mil­it­ary Grade Destruction

Most organ­iz­a­tions have a num­ber of inform­a­tion secur­ity con­trols. How­ever, without an extern­ally audited inform­a­tion secur­ity man­age­ment sys­tem, con­trols tend to be some­what dis­or­gan­ized and dis­join­ted, hav­ing been imple­men­ted often as point solu­tions to spe­cific situ­ations or simply as a mat­ter of convention.

Make sure that your com­pany is fully covered and com­pli­ant when recyc­ling your com­puter equip­ment. Note that Inter­rec does not charge any fees related to the col­lec­tion*, recyc­ling and mil­it­ary grade data destruc­tion (on/off site) of your ICT equipment:

Inter­rec Services

Lever­aging Interrec’s Rebate Pro­gram allows Irish organ­isa­tions recover value from their exist­ing equip­ment. It also ensures that your retired equip­ment will be dis­posed of in the most envir­on­ment­ally and secure manner.

  • All returned equip­ment is recycled in com­pli­ance with all national and European require­ments [Waste Permit]
  • All media/ hard drives to be des­troyed are phys­ic­ally degaussed and phys­ic­ally crushed at your premises.
  • Col­lec­tion vehicles are GPS tracked and are never out­sourced to a third party
  • Data on all hard drives to be resold on behalf of cli­ent is over­writ­ten 7 times to US DoD 5220.22M and sanitised.
  • Inter­rec has an accred­ited pro­cess for the dele­tion of data and used facil­it­ies are ISO 27001 certified.
  • Cus­tom­ers will receive a cer­ti­fic­ate of destruc­tion for each lot recycled.
  • All asset tags and other identi­fy­ing inform­a­tion are removed prior to disposition.
  • Waste arising from Interrec’s EU recyc­ling pro­gramme is recycled with author­ised treat­ment centres downstream
  • Equip­ment in good work­ing order can be re-marketed for rebate pur­poses back to the client.
  • For every sys­tem securely and eth­ic­ally recycled, 1 Euro is donated to an Irish charity

*min 30 systems

Never risk your data get­ting into the wrong hands. Call now to book a secure col­lec­tion and avail of Ireland’s only ded­ic­ated com­puter recyc­ling com­pany that meets the ISO27001 stand­ard for Inform­a­tion Security.

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Technical Director at Interrec B.V Ireland, providing zero cost computer recycling & data destruction services in Ireland & the UK. Contact me for a no-obligation quote for your ICT equipment.

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