Dude, where’s my data? A destruction amnesty from Interrec

Mid­lands based com­puter recyc­ling and data destruc­tion spe­cial­ists Inter­rec are play­ing their part for  World Envir­on­ment Day on June 5th to pro­mote the secure, envir­on­ment­ally friendly recyc­ling of redund­ant ICT equip­ment from Irish organ­isa­tions. Interrec’s onsite data destruc­tion and ICT recyc­ling amnesty means their ser­vices are free of charge for the month of June. World Environment Day Banner

(Press Release) — May 23, 2012 -

There is cur­rently an increas­ing amount of pub­li­city on the secure, respons­ible recyc­ling of busi­ness ICT WEEE (redund­ant com­puters, phones, cabling, mon­it­ors, print­ers, tele­com equip­ment etc). As such, Inter­rec is offer­ing  Irish organ­isa­tions the oppor­tun­ity to ensure their old ICT equip­ment is given the same envir­on­ment­ally friendly recyc­ling & secure data eras­ure treat­ment as large blue chip com­pan­ies. Inter­rec uses US Dept of Defence & UK Gov­ern­ment CESG approved tools to ensure all data is removed from com­puters, serv­ers, fob keys, disks and tapes before com­pli­ant recycling.

Eoghan Crosby, Tech­nical Dir­ector of Inter­rec, says “Many busi­nesses may stock­pile old ICT equip­ment as they don’t know how to dis­pose of them securely and respons­ibly, or the costs to des­troy the data is pro­hib­it­ive – no com­pany wants to take a chance on their data leak­ing to a com­pet­itor or to any third party. For large quant­it­ies, Inter­rec can offer a rebate back to organ­isa­tions for their equip­ment which in this cli­mate, is very pop­u­lar. Our data destruc­tion & com­puter recyc­ling ser­vice amnesty for June is a great way for organ­isa­tions to securely and con­veni­ently dis­pose of their ICT WEEE in an envir­on­ment­ally friendly manner.”

Inter­rec can offer a zero cost onsite data destruc­tion and recyc­ling ser­vice to any organ­isa­tion with 20+ com­puter systems/ 1000Kg mixed ICT WEEE. Media destruc­tion can be facil­it­ated at a com­pan­ies premises or at Inter­recs Author­ised Asset Treat­ment Facility.

World Envir­on­ment Day is cel­eb­rat­ing its 40th anniversary and takes place on June 5th. It has a broad over­arch­ing theme of ‘Recyc­ling – at home and away’. At the request of the cli­ent,  com­puter sys­tems can be refur­bished for reuse as a low-cost busi­ness tool in an Irish start-up, char­ity or Irish school, off­set­ting 650Kg of Co2*. Fur­ther­more, for every broken sys­tem recycled, Inter­rec will donate 1 Euro to an Irish char­ity. Par­ti­cip­at­ing com­pan­ies will receive a World Envir­on­ment Day cer­ti­fic­ate of appre­ci­ation, data destruc­tion cer­ti­fic­ate, asset report, recyc­ling cer­ti­fic­ate and thank you let­ter from a local Irish charity.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion can be found at the Inter­rec web­site – www.interrec.ie

*Source — UNU, Com­puters and the Envir­on­ment: Under­stand­ing and Man­aging their Impacts

— end —

Con­tact Email : eoghan@interrec.ie

Source : Interrec.ie

Phone : 0857392268

Address : Inter­rec, John­stown Road, Rath­downey, Co. Laois

Coun­try : Ireland

Industry : Recycling

Tags : free com­puter recyc­ling, free data destruc­tion, World Envir­on­ment Day

Last Updated : May 23, 2012

Short­cut : http://interrec.ie/?p=730

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