WEEE Buy Scheme

Cash for computersThrough our par­ent group and world­wide broker chan­nels, Inter­rec can max­im­ise the rev­enue gen­er­ated from pos­it­ive value com­pon­ents and e-waste items. Learn to earn from your redund­ant IT equip­ment. Rev­enue gen­er­ated is either used to off­set related costs, the pur­chase of new equip­ment or is passed back to the customer.

In almost all cases we are able to provide the cus­tomer with an accur­ate expect­a­tion of any rev­en­ues likely to be real­ised before a pro­ject is com­pleted. Its not e-waste, it’s an opportunity.

We Buy WEEE. Interrec.ie