ICT Disposition

When your com­pany takes the leap to decom­mis­sion its end-of-life ICT equip­ment, choose Inter­rec to man­age the logist­ics, secure data eras­ure, re-marketing, reuse for CSR ini­ti­at­ives and recyc­ling to recover resid­ual value.

Some refer to this as ICT asset dis­posal, we believe it should be called ICT asset opportunity.

I.T Recycling

Mater­i­als Recovery

In our approach, we work with our cli­ents from the onset to engin­eer a solu­tion that optim­izes the value of each and every asset.

We achieve reli­ab­il­ity and effi­ciency by auto­mat­ing com­plex decision-making, stream­lin­ing asset recov­ery, stand­ard­iz­ing pro­cesses through the European Inter­rec group and provide expert­ise when and where you need it most.

The res­ult: simple, secure and sus­tain­able asset dis­posal that meets all of your com­pan­ies secur­ity and legis­lat­ive requirements.