Equipment accepted

Inter­rec provide a fully com­pli­ant WEEE ser­vice which adheres to the EU Waste Elec­trical and Elec­tronic Equip­ment Dir­ect­ive (WEEE Dir­ect­ive). The Dir­ect­ive aims to min­im­ise the impact of waste elec­trical and elec­tronic goods on the envir­on­ment, by increas­ing re-use and recyc­ling and redu­cing the amount of WEEE going to land fill.

Inter­rec have awar­ded all of the neces­sary licenses to trans­port, pro­cess and dis­pose of any type of elec­trical goods in an envir­on­ment­ally safe and sens­it­ive way. Inter­rec accept the fol­low­ing equip­ment and can provide a pos­it­ive value for most items (work­ing & non-working):

Computer Recycling

Equip­ment accepted

  • Com­puters, includ­ing, desktops & laptops
  • Mon­it­ors, LCD’s & older CRT’s
  • Print­ers, Inkjet, Laser, Mono-Chrome & Colour
  • Serv­ers (all sizes), all sizes and server cabinets
  • Fax Machines, Refills & Supplies
  • Scan­ners, Any Size & Format
  • Routers, switches etc
  • Copi­ers, Mono-Chrome, Colour
  • Key­boards, Mice, Human Inter­face Devices
  • Tele­coms Equip­ment, Head­sets & Exchange Equipment
  • Bat­ter­ies, UPS units (all sizes)
  • Mag­netic Media, Floppy Disk’s, Back-up Media
  • Optical Media
  • Cables, All Types & Sizes
  • Other items by reques

Interrec’s recyc­ling solu­tions are fully audited and a com­plete down­stream audit trail in avail­able on request.