Factory Clearance

We provide a com­pre­hens­ive clear out ser­vice for com­mer­cial build­ings of all types large or small includ­ing factor­ies, ware­houses and offices etc remov­ing exist­ing ICT equip­ment, server rooms, struc­tures such as machinery, par­ti­tions, mezzan­ine floors and rack­ing, restor­ing the prop­erty back to its ori­ginal empty open floor space, ideal ser­vice for land­lords that need their prop­erty cleared out for new tenants.

We deliver a com­pre­hens­ive dis­mant­ling and recyc­ling solution.

We can provide:

  • All the neces­sary labour
  • Removal of obsol­ete Server/ ICT equip­ment & machinery
  • Lift­ing equipment
  • Pro­cessing equipment
  • Trans­port