Computer Recycling

Step 1: send a rough invent­ory to

Step 2: we arrange a collection/ onsite data destruc­tion date

Step 3: we col­lect and you receive destruction/recycling certificates/rebate for your equipment

Computer Recycling

Recycle with Interrec

Inter­rec can ser­vice large and small com­pan­ies alike to ensure your end of life assets are man­aged safely and effect­ively. Pick-ups are arranged with your sched­ule and oper­a­tional needs in mind, and our com­pet­ent and qual­i­fied per­son­nel work to make sure the equip­ment is weighed, coun­ted, sor­ted, tagged, tested, and refur­bished or dis­mantled accord­ing to condition.

Our e-waste treat­ment facil­ity is licensed to accept WEEE and can accom­mod­ate over 10,000 tonnes a year. Inter­rec dis­mantles and recov­ers haz­ard­ous sub­stances found in elec­tronic equip­ment such as cad­mium or lead for envir­on­ment­ally friendly treat­ment and/or eth­ical disposal.

Our pro­cesses meet and often exceed stand­ards for recov­ery and recyc­ling of e-waste in line with legis­la­tion such as the WEEE Dir­ect­ive and Haz­ard­ous Waste Regulations.