
Our vehicles and drivers are fully equipped to col­lect equip­ment from any loc­a­tion nation­wide at a pre-arranged time that suits the client.

Every col­lec­tion is returned to our Asset Pro­cessing Facil­ity on the same day, and a one-stop ser­vice in place at a cli­ents request.Nationwide collection

Our vehicles are equipped with GPS track­ing sys­tems and all our drivers are fully trained to safely and securely assist with the removal of com­puter assets and lar­ger server equip­ment from a cli­ents premises.

The col­lec­tions unit can provide a range of dis­posal equip­ment that can aid the removal pro­cess prior to col­lec­tion, includ­ing secur­ity cages, boxes, pal­lets and pack­aging to ensure safe transit and limit pos­sible dam­age to sens­it­ive IT equipment. Security Cage

The col­lec­tions unit can col­lect your equip­ment loose, caged, pal­let­ised or boxed. An author­ised con­sign­ment sig­na­ture is required with every col­lec­tion to verify the num­ber of items and time/date/place of col­lec­tion. This inform­a­tion is recor­ded and returned with your cer­ti­fic­ate of com­pli­ant recyc­ling & secure data destruc­tion.